Thursday, June 18, 2009

10.5 Part 1 Applications of Thermal Energy Transfer (Conduction)

Good Conductors of Heat

Metals are good conductors of heat, as heat transfer by the movement of free electrons from hot end to cold end.

Thus, Metals are use for thermal energy to be transferred quickly through a substance.

  • Kettles are usually made of aluminium or stainless steel in order for fast transfer of heat to be produced. Conductors of heat absorb heat faster and thus, heat will be transfer to water to boil.

  • Electric Iron uses electricity to produce heat. It is used to remove wrinkles of clothings by smoothing with heat. The Ironing plate is made of Iron as Iron is a conductor of heat and thus, it will not lose heat easily and heat can be trasfer to the clothes easily and quickily.

    Insulators of Heat
    Isulators of heat reduces the rate of transfer of thermal energy.
    Examples of Insulator of heat:
    Wood, plastic, rubber, liquid, gases, glass, vacuum (perfect insulator)

  • Just as the Ironing plate is used as a conductor of heat, the handle of the Iron is made of plastic. Plastic is an insulator of Heat and thus, heat will not be transfer to the handle as plastic does not absorb heat. Using insulators of heat as handles serve as a protective way to prevent burns from holding Iron.

  • Styrofoam boxes and cups are often used to keep food and drinks warm. It is an insulator of heat and thus is does not absorb heat very much and does not transfer heat very fast. Styrofoam traps large amount of air which helps to be insulators of heat. Thus, styrofoam are good materials to prevent heat lost.
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